100% traceable supply chain.

Sourced locally
All our rawhides are sourced within the UK and Ireland as a natural by-product of the local food and agricultural sectors. And we save 100 tonnes of rawhides from landfill every single day, turning them into long-lasting, high performance luxury leather.

Animal welfare
Farms in the UK and Ireland are amongst the highest globally for animal welfare, verified by the Animal Protection Index. All our supply farms comply with the Five Freedoms Principles, developed by the UK’s Animal Welfare Committee.

Radical traceability
We’re committed to radical traceability along the whole of our supply chains, and that starts with our rawhides. We can trace every hide back to the individual farm, a process which can even be fully blockchain enabled.

Low carbon farming
By sourcing locally, we minimise our carbon impact. The carbon footprint of Scottish beef herds is 50% of the global average. And 54% of our rawhides come from Scotland, from grass-fed livestock.

Sustainable agroforestry
Due to the nature and history of land in the UK, there is zero risk of deforestation as a result of choosing Muirhead leather.
Agroforestry plays an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation and supports a number of goals in the UK government’s 25 Year Environment Plan and Clean Growth Strategy.
With over 98% of our hides sourced from within the UK , this farming system will have an increasing role in further reducing impact of our supply chain.