Proven performance, every single time.

In-house facilities
Every batch of Muirhead leather is tested in-house at our state-of-the-art material testing laboratory and R&D facility. We test to the individual customer’s specification, and supply a laboratory report ensuring that our product conforms exactly to their specification.

Pre-stressed testing
Most textiles testing carried out by other manufacturers is applied to new materials, which does not reflect real-world use. At Muirhead, we ‘pre-stress’ test samples by exposing them to extreme ranges of temperature and humidity to simulate years of real-world service and gather more realistic, useful data. Only then do we begin testing our leather’s performance.

Performance benchmarking
Continuous testing ensures that Muirhead leather delivers on its performance promises. We can benchmark against competitors and verify that leather aligns with specific needs. And we use internationally recognised methods in the aviation, passenger transport and furnishing industries.

Our Laboratory can provide testing for strength, stretch, flexibility, rub and abrasion characteristics as well as fastness and soil resistance. The Laboratory can provide UKAS-accredited testing to ISO/IEC 17025. We are approved to carry out FAA 25.853 appendix F pt.1 Vertical Flame testing and ABD0031 issue F Smoke Density & ABD0031 issue F para 7.4 Toxicity testing.
We also hold certifications to AS/EN 9100, ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, BS EN 1021-1 and BS EN 1021-2. In addition, we have Marine Equipment Directive (MED) Approval and Vehicle Certification Authority (VCA) Type Approvals.

Our certificates are available to download:
EN 9100 and ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 50001
ISO/IEC 17025 Certificate
ISO/IEC 17025 Testing Schedule
IATF 16949
OHS 45001
MED Type Approval
VEC Approval